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Info Jots Our Awesome Sun, Earth and Moon

Info Jots Our Awesome Sun, Earth and Moon

Product Description Info-Jots are a new way of using a traditional Graphic Organizer. This set includes identifying and exploring our Sun, Moon (including phases) and the Earth. Students will complete a record information section, read and highlight the diagram, and make notes on key vocabulary and/or concepts. New to Info-Jots Sun, Moon and Earth is a suggested answer key. Bonus! Now Info-Jots are only limited by your customization. This set includes blank boxes for your specific information; such as vocab, diagrams, teacher-lead note taking, etc. Remember: Doodling is learning! What are Info-Jots? A new way of containing information in a quick, easy to use format. These serve as a visual aid to the student, which in turn increases student concept retention, focus, creativity, and engagement. Students will gain experience in synthesizing information and creating their own tangible connections in their notes. How do you use Info-Jots? Teacher-led note taking Student-led note taking Independent research or homework
Info-Jots Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles

Info-Jots Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles

Info-Jots are a new way of using a traditional Graphic Organizer. This Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles set includes identifying the characteristics of reptiles, parts of a fish, and how reptiles adapted to live on land. Students will complete a record information section, read and highlight important facts on each animal, and make notes on key vocabulary and/or concepts. What are Info-Jots? A new way of containing information in a quick, easy to use format. These serve as a visual aid to the student, which in turn increases student concept retention, focus, creativity, and engagement. Students will gain experience in synthesizing information and creating their own tangible connections in their notes. These are 0 prep! Info-Jots will work with any curriculum, any textbook, and internet research. How do you use Info-Jots? Teacher-led note taking Student-led note taking Independent research or homework Remember: Doodling is learning!
Info-Jots Cycles of Matter (Water - Nitrogen - Carbon)

Info-Jots Cycles of Matter (Water - Nitrogen - Carbon)

Info-Jots are a new way of using a traditional Graphic Organizer. This Cycles of Matter set includes identifying the three main cycles - Water - Nitrogen - Carbon and their characteristics. Students will complete a record information section, read and highlight the cycle diagram, and make notes on key vocabulary and/or concepts. Remember: Doodling is learning! What are Info-Jots? A new way of containing information in a quick, easy to use format. These serve as a visual aid to the student, which in turn increases student concept retention, focus, creativity, and engagement. Students will gain experience in synthesizing information and creating their own tangible connections in their notes. These are 0 prep! Info-Jots will work with any curriculum, any textbook, and internet research. How do you use Info-Jots? Teacher-led note taking Student-led note taking Independent research or homework